How to Find Us

How to Find Us

If you're coming for a course, on Google maps, look for Bray Cured Ltd to find our charcuterie factory unit where your course will take place.
You'll see other results on maps, but these include market locations and our shop in Bray village.
Our factory's address is: Bray Cured, Taplow Common Road, Burnham, SL1 8FL
By car
The entrance to the compound we're in is a double metal farm gate.
Driving North up Taplow Common Road it's on the left, shortly after you pass the golf course and Huntswood Lane on your left, and before the warning road signs you'll see up ahead.
Driving South down Taplow Common Road, the entrance will be on your right, at the top of the hill.
Pass through the farm gates and call from the security gate to be let in.
Continue down the hill, following the track around to the right between the buildings to the car park.
By train
From the Reading and the West, we're a 6 minute taxi ride from Taplow station, on the Elizabeth Line and GWR. 
From the London and the East, we're a 6 minute taxi ride from Burnham station, on the Elizabeth Line and GWR.
More frequent/faster trains run to Maidenhead (11 mins away) or Slough (17 mins away).
Both Maidenhead and Slough stations have taxi ranks. You'll have to book ahead or use a taxi-app to call for a taxi from Taplow or Burnham stations.